Re: Re: Commercial Synchronet
By: Tracker1 to Nightfox on Fri Sep 23 2022 08:31 pm
On 9/22/22 09:36, Nightfox wrote:
not that surprising considering Microsoft is banking their whole
OS future on the concept. bit of a shame they didn't buy lenovo
instead.. seems likethey're just making up slowly for lost time.
Was Lenovo considering selling their PC business?
IBM sold the PC segment to Lenovo, which afaik was doing most of the manufacturing anyways.
Michael J. Ryan -
When I was working for ZDS, IBM consulted them to help design one of the
early Thinkpad models. We were consulting with a company in China or Taiwan that was doing the assembly, then IBM's engineers took us out of the middle
and worked directly with the manufacturing firm. Since I was on the service side, I didn't know the names of who assembled some our products. I'm
curious if Lenovo's origin company was that manufacturer?
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