• Posting...

    From Knightmare@VERT/RIVERNET to Digital Man on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 14:20:00
    BY: Amcleod to Digital Man on Tue Dec 11 2001 07:39 pm

    DM - my board used "SyncEdit 2.0.5" and it never clears the posting area so there is a mess. (I might have asked this question once before...)

    I've been on your board a time or 2 and noticed yours clears the screen quite nicely...

    What can I do, to get the same effect?

    Danke :o)

    þ Synchronet þ StarKnight BBS -/- Billings MT USA -/- Rivernet Communications
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Knightmare on Thursday, December 13, 2001 07:08:47
    RE: Posting...
    BY: Knightmare to Digital Man on Wed Dec 12 2001 10:20 pm

    DM - my board used "SyncEdit 2.0.5" and it never clears the posting area so there is a mess. (I might have asked this question once before...)

    I've been on your board a time or 2 and noticed yours clears the screen quit nicely...

    What can I do, to get the same effect?

    Try using a different version of SyncEdit? There are several versions available for download here. Be sure to se syedtfaq.txt for details on configuring each version (they're all different).


    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net