• Uploading files

    From Digital Man@VERT to Beta on Monday, October 09, 2000 17:13:34
    RE: Uploading files
    BY: Beta to All on Thu Dec 02 1999 07:59 pm

    Okay.... <G> Here's one for ya, I'm trying to upload files to another B (Talamasca) with a mod, I tried using file_put but it want's the system password... I want this to be mantained by anyone who has access to maintain it, not just ppl who have SYSoP ACCESS.... Oops caps key. :) anyways, is th anyway to do this??

    I realize this is an old question, but did you try using the RECEIVE_FILE_VIA Baja function?


    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Beta@VERT/ROVER to Digital Man on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 08:09:00
    RE: Uploading files
    BY: Digital Man to Beta on Tue Oct 10 2000 12:13 am

    Okay.... <G> Here's one for ya, I'm trying to upload files to anothe (Talamasca) with a mod, I tried using file_put but it want's the system password... I want this to be mantained by anyone who has access to maint it, not just ppl who have SYSoP ACCESS.... Oops caps key. :) anyways, is anyway to do this??

    I realize this is an old question, but did you try using the RECEIVE_FILE_VI Baja function?

    No I didn't.. I'll look into that and mebbe dust off the code and write another version :)

    þ Synchronet þ Rover Central, Kenora Ontario, Canada