• A few variables in Baja

    From Tegularius@VERT/BAUDHOUS to All on Tuesday, October 04, 2005 01:58:00
    DEFAULT.SRC displays the message group and sub-board in a prompt using @GRP@ and @SN@. There are similar codes in the file-area prompt.

    What if I need a Baja program to know these values and branch accordingly?
    Can I access them other than just displaying them? I don't see anything in
    the system variables that provides them.

    þ Synchronet þ Bauding House
  • From Finnigann@VERT/BNB to Tegularius on Wednesday, October 05, 2005 01:43:00
    Tegularius wrote to All <=-

    DEFAULT.SRC displays the message group and sub-board in a prompt using @GRP@ and @SN@. There are similar codes in the file-area prompt.

    What if I need a Baja program to know these values and branch
    accordingly? Can I access them other than just displaying them? I
    don't see anything in the system variables that provides them.

    Yes there is:

    Use the same format, of course always use CAPS and bracket with percent signs.

    Customization: Message Variables

    Code Description PCB WC ------------------------------------------------------------------
    ADDR1 User's street address N Y
    ALIAS User's name or alias N Y
    AUTOMORE Toggle automatic pausing Y N
    BAUD User's connect rate (DCE) in bps N Y
    BBS Name of BBS N Y
    BDATE User's birthdate (MM/DD/YY) N Y
    BEEP Generate a beep Y N
    BELL <same as BEEP> N Y
    BOARDNAME <same as BBS> Y N
    BPS <same as BAUD> Y N
    BYTELIMIT User's free credits per day Y N
    BYTESLEFT User's total credits Y N
    CALLS Total number of logons for user N Y
    CITY User's city Y Y
    CLS Clear screen Y Y
    COMPANY User's company name or real name N Y
    CONF Name of current Group and Sub-board N Y
    CONFNUM Number of current Group and Sub-board Y N
    CPU User's computer type N Y
    DATA <same as PHONE> N Y
    DATAPHONE <same as PHONE> Y N
    DATE Current system date N Y
    DAYBYTES Number of free credits used today by user Y Y
    DIR * Current file directory short description N N
    DIR-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N N
    DIR-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N N
    DIRL * Current file directory long description N N
    DIRL-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N N
    DIRL-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N N
    DN * Number of current file directory N N
    DL * " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) N N
    DR * " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) N N
    DLBYTES Total bytes downloaded by user Y N
    DLFILES Total files downloaded by user Y N
    DLKLIMIT User's total credits (in kilobytes) N Y
    DOWNK Total kilobytes downloaded by user N Y
    DOWNS <same as DLFILES> N Y
    EXDATE User's expiration date (MM/DD/YY) N Y
    EXPDATE <same as EXDATE> Y N
    EXPDAYS Days left before user expires Y Y
    FIRST User's first name/alias Y Y
    FIRSTREAL * User's first real/company name N N
    FREESPACE Free disk space available for uploads Y N
    FROM User's location (City, State) N Y
    GRP * Current message group short description N N
    GRP-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N N
    GRP-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N N
    GRPL * Current message group long description N N
    GRPL-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N N
    GRPL-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N N
    GN * Number of current message group N N
    GL * " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) N N
    GR * " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) N N
    HANDLE * User's chat handle N N
    HANGUP Immediately disconnect user Y N
    HOMEPHONE <same as PHONE> Y N
    KBLEFT User's total credits (in kilobytes) Y Y
    KBLIMIT User's free credits per day (in kilobytes) Y N
    LAST * User's last name (alias) N N
    LASTREAL * User's last real/company name N N LASTCALLERNODE Name of user last on this node Y N
    LASTDATEON Date of user's last logon (MM/DD/YY) Y N
    LASTNEW Date of user's last new file scan (MM/DD/YY) N Y
    LASTON Date and time of user's last logon N Y
    LASTTIMEON Time of user's last logon (HH:MM am) Y N
    LEFT <same as MINLEFT> N Y
    LIB * Current file library short description N N
    LIB-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N N
    LIB-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N N
    LIBL * Current file library long description N N
    LIBL-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N N
    LIBL-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N N
    LN * Number of current file library N N
    LL * " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) N N
    LR * " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) N N
    MAXDK <same as KBLIMIT> N Y
    MEMO Date of user's last password modification N Y
    MEMO1 User's note N Y
    MEMO2 <same as COMPANY> N Y
    MINLEFT Time left in minutes Y N
    MORE <same as PAUSE> Y N
    MSGLEFT Total number of messages posted by user Y N
    MSGREAD Number of messages read by user this call Y N
    MSGSLEFT <same as MSGLEFT> N Y
    NAME * User's name or alias N N
    NAME-L[...] * User's name (padded and left justified) N N
    NAME-R[...] * User's name (padded and right justified) N N
    NOACCESS * Why user was denied access (last false ARS) N N
    NODE Number of current node Y Y
    NODE### Status of node number ### N Y
    NUMCALLS <same as TCALLS> Y N
    NUMDIR Number of current library and directory Y N
    NUMTIMESON <same as CALLS> Y N
    PAUSE Immediately produces a [Hit a key] prompt Y Y
    PHONE User's phone number (###-###-####) N Y
    PON Toggles automatic screen pause for everyone Y N
    POFF Toggles automatic screen pause for everyone Y N
    QUESTION * Current Yes/No question (for TEXT\MENU\YESNO.*) N N
    REAL * User's real first name N N
    SEC User's security level N Y
    SECURITY <same as SEC> Y N
    SINCE Date of user's first call (MM/DD/YY) N Y
    STATE User's state (from location) N Y
    SUB * Current message sub-board short description N N
    SUB-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N N
    SUB-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N N
    SUBL * Current message sub-board long description N N
    SUBL-L[...] * " " padded and left justified N N
    SUBL-R[...] * " " padded and right justified N N
    SN * Number of current message sub-board N N
    SL * " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) N N
    SR * " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) N N
    SYSDATE <same as DATE> Y N
    SYSOP Name of System Operator N Y
    SYSTIME <same as TIME> Y N
    TCALLS Total number of logons for system N Y
    TFILE Total number of files on system N Y
    TIME Current system time N Y
    TIMELEFT <same as MINLEFT> Y N
    TIMELIMIT Maximum time per call in minutes Y N
    TIMEON Time used this call in minutes N Y
    TIMEUSED <same as TIMEON> Y N
    TLEFT * Time left (H:MM:SS) N N
    TMSG Total number of messages on system N Y
    TPERC * Time allowed per call (H:MM:SS) N N
    TPERD * Time allowed per day (H:MM:SS) N N
    TUSED * Time used this call (H:MM:SS) N N
    TUSER Total number of user slots on system N Y
    UPBYTES Total bytes uploaded by user Y N
    UPFILES Total files uploaded by user Y N
    UPK Total kilobytes uploaded by user N Y
    UPS <same as UPFILES> N Y
    USER User's name or alias (same as ALIAS) Y Y
    VER BBS version number N Y
    WHO Display status of all active nodes Y N
    ZIP User's zip/postal code N Y

    ³ "We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology,
    ³ in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology."
    ³ - Carl Sagan

    ... Guarantee my safety? Bill Gates can't even guarantee Windows. - J Crichton --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.46
    þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes BBS One Hellofa BBS telnet://bnb.synchro.net
  • From Tegularius@VERT to Finnigann on Tuesday, October 04, 2005 22:06:26
    Re: A few variables in Baja
    By: Finnigann to Tegularius on Wed Oct 05 2005 01:43 am

    Thanks! I'll try them.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Tegularius on Tuesday, October 04, 2005 22:52:55
    Re: A few variables in Baja
    By: Tegularius to All on Tue Oct 04 2005 01:58 am

    DEFAULT.SRC displays the message group and sub-board in a prompt using @GRP@ and @SN@. There are similar codes in the file-area prompt.

    What if I need a Baja program to know these values and branch accordingly? Can I access them other than just displaying them? I don't see anything in the system variables that provides them.

    I recently answered this question here on DOVE-Net (in the Synchronet JavaScript conference?). The answer is: Yes, use the Baja COMPARE_ARS function.

    digital man

    Snapple "Real Fact" #104:
    There are more then 30,000 diets on public record.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From mroblivious1bmf@VERT/EOB to Finnigann on Thursday, October 20, 2005 00:48:00
    .,: This is something about A few variables in Baja,
    Finnigann said it to Tegularius on Wed Oct 05 2005 01:43 am --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
    that's not what he was asking.
    you cant use @-codes in some aspects of baja


    þ Synchronet þ -=[[edge of oblivion bbs]]=- ... if YOUR bbs is stock..just delete it now!