Re: RE: Language to Transitio
By: ptaylor to Digital Man on Wed Oct 03 2018 22:25:00
Learning a nother programming lanuage is not easy for everyone. I find
that Pascal is easer to learn then C.
Pascal is definitely an easier language to learn than C. It's sort of a dying language though.
I went BASIC -> Pascal -> C -> Perl -> PHP, with many languages inflicted on me by professors (VAX asm, Modula-3, Prolog, C++) and some little adventures of my own (TCL/TK, Ruby, Python).
If I was starting over from scratch, I think I'd go with Python. It is still gaining popularity and is powerful enough to do a lot of useful things on a lot of different platforms.
I think Ruby should be used to teach object oriented programming. It is SO object-oriented that it's almost awkward to write procedural code in it (exactly the opposite of most languages that had objects grafted on after the fact).
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