• Telegram and JavaScript

    From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to echicken on Saturday, April 23, 2022 08:40:46
    Re: Telegram and JavaScript
    By: echicken to John Dovey on Fri Apr 22 2022 06:46 pm

    Re: Telegram and JavaScript
    By: John Dovey to echicken on Fri Apr 22 2022 10:35:16

    Telegram has just updated their Bit spec, and it's now possible to
    run/launch a JavaScript app directly from the client.


    Ah, bots. I thought you were talking about something completely different. (I'm not sure what "run/launch a JavaScript app directly from the client" means here; bots typically run standalone / implement the client themselves.)

    Off the top of my head, a few of the things that might fit with a bot integration might be - access to file areas
    - download of mail (like a QWK door)
    - a binkp like transfer of mail packets

    Using a bot as a mailer seems a bit janky to me, but I'm probably missing something. We've already got systems in place for moving packets around. Is the goal to use Telegram's network for mail transfers, eg. my bot exchanges mail with your bot, with each BBS/node running its own bot?

    you guys might want to consider doing a relay bot for telgram.
    i have one 'teleirc' hooked up to my irc server and my telegram channel and it makes things more fun. if i post a video or image on telegram it's hosted on the server and it generates a link.
    voice msgs are in .oga format.
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