• Synchronet-Win32 v3.12 Release

    From Digital Man@VERT to All on Friday, December 31, 2004 18:36:31
    Happy Birthday to me... (I'm 35 today).

    Well, I got the v3.12a-Win32 release out in time for the new year! It was a lot of work, and while I was working my ass off to get this release out by today, I can't say I appreciated receiving annoying e-mails like this one:

    --------------------------------------8<-------------------------------------- Hey Rob,
    I know you got a family and all, but just to bring this to your attention.. You said that you would release the next version of Syncrhonet this December.. Well dude you got until Friday before that time runs out ya know? Maybe because of the holiday and all that you should edit that and change it for a later date? Just a suggestion, is all it is since December is almost over with by Friday.

    Neal --------------------------------------8<--------------------------------------

    And there were others. Even after I said (on www.synchro.net) last month "Sorry I can't guess the exact date any better than that (please don't ask)". This is a perfect example of why I don't like to give release dates.

    Anyway, enough bitching.

    The *cool* new features can be found in http://vert.synchro.net/docs/v311_new.html and http://vert.synchro.net/docs/v312_new.html

    And it can be downloaded here:

    I've got some celebrating to do...

    Happy New Year!

    digital man

    Snapple "Real Fact" #107:
    You burn more calories sleeping than watching TV.

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