Hi Mro,
On <Thu, 24 Jul 24>, you wrote me:
they make you get insurance or they fine you to infinity if their
piece of shit truck is damaged or if you have problems.
I remember years ago my Daughter was moving and asked me
to rent the truck and add someone else as the driver as I was
going to be out of town. She was so mad at me when I said
I would do it but she had to pay for the extra insurance.
Two days later she phoned me to let me know they returned
the truck and the other guy had in fact backed it into a tree.
That was the day she decided I wasn't a complete idiot and
thanked me for making her pay for insurance.
(At the time she didn't have a drivers license or credit card
which is why I had to rent it for them and add a secondary
* SeM. 2.26 * Grdauaet @TO@ shcool of typign
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